We are teaming up with Lets Break the Shame! 

Let’s Break the Shame is an international mental health foundation hosting live speaking events on a range of health topics. We’re looking for volunteers who are ready to step up and make a difference in the mental health community.  So come on, let’s band together and break the silence around mental health. Let’s show the world that there’s no shame in seeking help, and that together, we can make a real impact. Join us and Let’s Break the Shame!

Vibe-Setter role : 

We are looking for someone to ensure that all participants feel comfortable during the event and ensure a pleasant atmosphere. This includes kindly asking participants if it‘s alright to take pictures and taking care of the music selection. Additionally, you are welcome to engage in the postevent conversations, and provide any additional support that may be desired during a oneonone conversation. Finally, you will assist in tidying up the venue and securing it at the end of the day.

Let’s Break the Shame together !

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