About the activity
Mozaïek is a residential facility for people with a physical disability or non-congenital brain injury who may also have physical disabilities in Amstelveen.
Together with the people you go outside for a walk, push the wheelchair, encourage people to move themselves if they can and after the walk you have a nice drink together. At the beginning you will receive an explanation from an employee and then you (and possibly the other volunteers) will go out with the people independently.
Do I need to physically be in the Netherlands to be able to join in?
Yes! Only people who are physically present in the Netherlands are able to volunteer with us and can sign up. Unfortunately, we can offer no assistance with obtaining visas to come to the country.
Is this a suitable project for me?
If you like connecting with people and would like to make a positive impact!
What language skills are needed?
No specific language is required.
Your sign-up in three steps
- Use the sign-up form below to join this project
- A few days before the project you will receive an email from the project coordinator with more information about the project.
- Lastly…enjoy the happiness of helping 🙂
Of course, you are also welcome to bring friends or family. Please note that they need to sign up as well. Do you still have questions? Please contact us at info@stcamsterdam.nl