ready to make positive impact together
with your team or company?

There are thousands of ways to show kindness & give back to community.
We organize unforgettable corporate volunteering activities & impact days for your company.

reasons to serve with us

big or small, we organize it all

from small-scaled team-building events to company-wide impact days

we got your back

we design, plan & run your volunteering activities or impact days from a to z

1.000 ways to show kindness

all our volunteering projects are customized to meet both your employees’ interests & company’s CSR goals

better together

we offer impact partnerships to give your CSR strategy a boost & actively drive change forward

seeding kindness together:
team-building activities that make a real difference.

Kindness comes in many ways: cooking dinner for Amsterdammers with special needs, going on a canal tour with the elderly, turning a house into a home for a family in need, cleaning up a park …

We help your company organize teambuilding events that make a real difference while being in line with your employees’ interests and your company’s impact goals. 

driving positive change forward:
company-wide impact days.

Impact days are a great way to bring employees from different departments together, to encourage them to make impact while discovering new skills and talents along the way.

We help you organize your impact day from a to z, find volunteering projects matching your company’s CSR goals and employees interests’, and turn it into a day to remember for everyone.

better together:
join our impact partnership program.

Different companies, different needs. We offer tailored partnership programs to give your CSR strategy a boost and turn your impact goals into practice – from monthly volunteering activities, over teambuilding activities to impact days and special donation actions.

Just reach out to us to get more detailled information.


Sies ter Hofstede
Project Manager
Corporate Volunteering
+31 6 23156693

Ready to serve the city at work?
I am happy to advise you!

our partners

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