donate now
To Serve the City together,
we need your help.
we need your help.
Serve the City fully depends on the support and funding from individuals, organizations and municipalities.
Please consider contributing to our cause so that we can make Amsterdam a better place.
We really appreciate your support 🙂
Please consider contributing to our cause so that we can make Amsterdam a better place.
Donate now
Use the form below to easily make a one-time donation.
thank you so much for your financial support ❤️
Did you know that donations are tax deductible?
We have an ANBI status. Our RSIN number is 818845867.
You may also use the details below
to make a banktransfer:
Stichting Serve the City Amsterdam
IBAN: NL07 ABNA 0432 7257 76
Curious to learn more about what your
donations are actually used for?
We set up a document containing all information about our working methods and our annual budget. If you want to know where Serve the City spends your donations on, just reach out to We are happy to share our report with you.
why donate?

Financial support for Serve the City comes from private donors, fundraisers and company volunteering events. We rely entirely on donations from people like you to fund our projects. Your contributions empower our volunteers to act.