About the activity
Leger des Heils Loenermark wants to hand out free chocolate milk on the streets and promote their Christmas party via a flyer. Do you like making people happy with a free chocolate milk and promoting a nice Christmas party at the streets? Than this is the event for you!
Do I need to live the Netherlands to be able to join?
Yes! Only people who live in the Netherlands are able to volunteer with us and can sign up. Unfortunately we can`t help people with a visa.
Is this a suitable project for me?
If you like socializing with people and would like to make a positive impact!
What language skills are needed?
No specific language is required to join this project.
Your sign up in three steps
- Use the sign-up form below to join this project
- After sign-up you will receive email with all the details
- Lastly…enjoy the happiness of helping 🙂
Of course, you are also welcome to bring friends or family. Please note that they need to sign up as well. Do you still have questions? Please contact us at info@stcamsterdam.nl